Medical Neglect is a Strategic Form of Elder Abuse and Genocide!

By Kwame Beans Shakur- National Director of PLM/Co-founder and Chairman of New Afrikan Liberation Collective

In the era of Comrade George Jackson, the Prison industrial slave complex was able to exercise overt forms of colonial violence and extreme counter revolutionary terrorist tactics to “neutralize” Our captive political prisoners, as they were operating at the direction of j. edgar hoover on behalf of the fbi’s COINTELPRO.  In this day and age they are forced to somewhat engage in a more covert practice thru the implementation of the extremist, revolutionary, terrorist, and subversive activities in Penal Institutions Program. We know that COINTELPRO Is in full effect with it’s Black Identity Extremist Program. One of the many forms they exercise this Genocide is thru the blatant medical neglect of our Political Prisoner's and Prisoner’s of War, and the repeated denial of parole to these aging veterans. A majority of the Elders were not given the death penalty or sentences of life without parole, however, they are essentially being given death sentences from the kourts and parole board as they are being denied compassionate release or parole all together “based on the nature of their crime”. The fact of the matter is that they have served more than the mandatory minimum of their sentence for the eligibility of parole, and the nature of their “crime” is never going to change. An overwhelming number of our Comrades, including myself, are being neglected from a lack of medical treatment and the kourts “hands- off” policy that prevents them from intervening in such issues or sanctioning medical staff, gives Our captors immunity in the murders and preventable injuries caused at their hands. Our Comrades on the West Coast launched the campaign to “Liberate our Elders”, and thru the establishment of the PLM- NCC (national coordinating committee) Minister King X  and myself developed a working relationship which led to Liberate Our Elders becoming one of the many formations under the PLM banner for national unification. It is thru this capacity that We will unite various Freedom Campaigns and Defense Committee’s around the country to BRING OUR ELDERS HOME NOW! This strategy will bring doctors, professors, and lawful counsel on board who are already working on the individual cases of Comrades and assist in the recruitment of others in their field. This issue of Our journal is an initiative to begin the calling for the Prison Lives Matter- Liberate Our Elders webinar panel discussion to take place in Houston, TX in the summer of 2023. We wholeheartedly believe in the concept of ‘We Are Our Own Liberators’, and with that overstanding We must continue to build and sustain a national strategy for Self-determination.


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